To create an account on your affiliate program navigate to and follow the login steps:
- Start with username, email and password.
- Choose option to create a Company or join an Existing Company (see 2.1).
2.1. Join an existing company using Account UID (Company Identificator).
- Create a new one. Choose whether it is a Personal or Company account.
The differences are only in the Company Name:
- Your account is ready. You may now fill in additional information, such as contact details, traffic source, payment methods.
- Fill in your contact details.
- Fill in your Traffic Source details.
The Traffic Type list is based on the operators list they have created. Should you need one that is not in the list, please contact the affiliate team.
- Fill in payment details.
- After additional information is filled in please await approval of your account. You will receive notification on your email address.
After you have been notified that the account has been approved, you can then go to: and use the username and password details given on sign up. (Also found in the notification email)
Upon log in and approval you will then see your dashboards.

The instructions in this document are for Company Account Level. If you are logging in as an affiliate level, follow the same instructions as above BUT you will NOT have the filter of choosing 'Affiliate' in the system.