Name | Definition | Calculation |
Banner View Count | - | - |
Click Count | - | - |
Unique Click Count | - | - |
Reg. Count (total) | - | - |
Reg. Count (sub-affiliate) | - | - |
Reg. Count | - | - |
FTD Count | - | |
NDC | Count of customers who registered and deposited within the selected period | - |
RDC | Count of customers who did NOT register in the selected period but did deposit | - |
Reg. to FTD | - | REG / FTD |
Click to FTD | - | Unique clicks / FTD |
Active customers | Customers who has any activity for the selected period | - |
Depositing customers | Customers who deposited for the selected period | - |
Bonuses | - | Released bonuses + Cash bonus |
Deposits | - | - |
Count of deposits | - | - |
CPA count | - | - |
CPC count | - | - |
Avg. deposit | - | Total Deposit / Depositing Customers |
Click to REG | - | REG/Unique clicks |
FTD Amount | - | - |
NDC Deposits | New Depositing Customers | Sum of all deposits in the selected period for customers who registered in the selected period |
RDC Deposits | Returning Depositing Customers | Sum of all deposits in the selected period for customers who not registered in the selected period |
FTDs Deposits | - | Sum of all deposits in the selected period for customers who made FTD in the selected period |
Deposit per FTD | - | Deposit / FTD |
Dep per Active | - | Deposits / Active customer count |
FTDs Deps per FTD | - | FTD Deposits / FTD Count |
FTD Deps ratio | - | FTDs deposits / Sum of CPA rewards for the selected period |
Turnover | - | Total Bets and Wins of the player |
NGR | Net Gaming Revenue | GGR - Bonuses - Adjustments |
Revenue Share | - | NGR * Revenue Share % |
CPA | Cost Per Action/Cost Per Acquisition | - |
CPC | Cost Per Click | - |
Sub-affiliate reward | - | Either RS+CPA or NGR |
Fixed Fee | Positive Fixed Fees | - |
Deduction | Negative Fixed Fees | - |
RS distribution | Revenue Share based on affiliate (or IDC) level that removes negative values | - |
Commission Reward | Commission Reward | RSD + CPA + CPC + SA - Deductions |
Total Reward | Total Reward | Reward Commissions + Fixed Fee |
Please note that due to data frequency the following metrics may not be accurate:
- Count of Deposits
- FTD amount